For many young people, modern life pressures can be immense – the education system, social anxieties, imbalances at home and career stress – to name but a few. Yet, irrespective of these pressures and each individual’s actual abilities or strengths, society in general still judges every young person’s value and worth through the lens of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ academic meritocracy. This approach works for some, but it can fail far too many. We want to support young people to discover their innate abilities and talents – and not necessarily those generally prescribed by teachers, parents and peers – while nurturing realistic aspirations.
Our mission is to give young people the opportunity to develop high self-worth and inner confidence. We want them to know who they are and what unique talents they have to offer to the world, with a clear direction for their future and a vision of how they can make a positive difference to their relationships and the world around them.